Nature at its best

Being a plant biologist, I observe nature in a different manner than a non-plant biologist. I find patterns, colors, responses that you might miss. If you look closely, you will see patterns all around in you. Leaves, flowers, plant architecture, other things, all have a pattern. Flowers and leaves could be symmetric, branches on the plant could be arranged in a spiral. I get excited every time I see a beautiful flower with perfect symmetry or a leaf with beautiful coloring pattern. I will be sharing some of those with you in my blogs. For examples, here are two examples of beautiful architecture:

  1. Purple flower: Look at the petals arranged in perfect symmetry. You could draw a line across using a ruler and you will find a perfect half structure.

FullSizeRender 2. Building at Stanford University: Not just nature, humans also aim for symmetry since it has been shown that symmetry is pleasing to eyes. This building at Stanford University and the landscape around it is so symmetric. The similar looking palm trees in the front of the entrance, followed by a hedge on both sides, then two more tall same sized palm trees, and the finally the perfectly located building.IMG_1255Hope you will enjoy my pictures and pay little more attention to things around you!

Thank you for coming over.

PS: If you want to use images posted on my blog, please contact me at nishalonghorn[at]gmaildotcom.