A Saturday Morning at Half Moon Bay

Saturday morning routine: Wake up little late (7:30am if you must know, and it is considered late if you have a toddler 🙂 ), eat pancakes, toddler asks where are we going today, and we explore our options like a beach (but we were there last weekend), hiking (but toddler is not interested), zoo (but it is the last weekend before school starts and it might be really crowded), or farm (but which one?). So we ended up picking Lemos Farm because toddler S wanted to do a pony ride. We have been to Lemos Farm before when our toddler was just an infant. I don’t think she has any memories of that trip.

Lemos Farm is located in the beautiful hills of Half Moon Bay , California. If you are driving on highway 280 and take 92 to go to Half Moon Bay, you will find Lemos Farm on the right side (see video).

The weather was quite beautiful which is contrary to Half Moon Bay’s usual cold/chilly/windy behaviour. We reached the farm around 11am and people were still trickling in. I like to go to public places when there are fewer people because it reduces the time spent on queues for tickets/rides/food. The main quad at Lemos Farm has a place to buy tickets/food, pony ride, a little pond with ducks, train/hayride station, and jumper houses.

Information center for tickets and food

Within the farm, there are little areas where you can hold your private parties. If you walk inside the farm, there is a petting area which has goats. You can buy goat food for a dollar. Kids have so much fun feeding the animals and it is quite difficult to take them out from the petting area!

Petting area

Almost 30min later, we convinced toddler S to go see other attractions. We boarded the train from the main quad (we didn’t have to wait too long for our turn in the queue) that took us through the interiors of the farm. By interiors I mean a fake village which has a post-0ffice, a jail (!), a school, etc. Kids looked fascinated and I am not sure if it was for the train ride or the fake village 🙂


Choo-choo train


Anyways, we all got hungry and had a quick snack before going on the hay ride. The hay ride was a short but bumpy ride in the neighbouring area with Christmas trees. Toddler S had a great time on the hay ride and was giggling at every bump 🙂


Waiting for the hay ride



Here it is!


Milk the cow

Toy pony ride!



By the way, I forgot to mention that our toddler S didn’t do the pony ride because “ponies were running too fast” (of course not!!). We are hoping she will be ready for a pony ride when we come back next year!

For more information on Lemos Farm, please visit their website:
